Tribute to Shinzo Abe

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We at the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce are deeply saddened to hear about the death of Japan’s former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. The assassination was a senseless act of violence that has rocked the peaceful nation of Japan and stunned the world. In many ways, Shinzo Abe has defined Japan’s image in the 21st century and his death rocks the foundation of Japan’s politics and identity. 

Shinzo Abe was a giant of Japan’s political scene and a well-known world leader. During his tenure as the longest serving Prime Minister in Japan’s history, he never faltered in his unwavering support for the alliance between the United States and Japan. It was from Shinzo Abe that the idea came to form the “Quad”, an informal alliance between the US, Japan, India and Australia to support the military and economic partnerships between democratic nations in the Indo-Pacific region. 

Shinzo Abe came from a well-established political family in Japan; his grandfather was also Prime Minister. Abe graduated from Seikei University in Tokyo and continued his graduate education from University of Southern California where he studied political science. Shinzo Abe served as Prime Minister of Japan from 2006-2007 and from 2012-2020. He was known as a true leader for both his party and the nation, and he dreamed of pushing Japan past its post-war legacy to become a fully realized nation once more. 

Abe was driven by a need to rekindle Japan’s economy from stagnation that has continued since the bubble burst in the 1980’s and saw some success. One of Abe’s most important positions has been calls to strengthen Japan’s military so that it can independently defend itself in the face of growing regional threats. Japan has long relied on the US for military defense after the end of WWII and while Abe was a firm supporter of the US alliance, he also wanted greater independence for Japan. He understood that the times to come would require a stronger presence from his nation in that region and on the world stage. 

While the life and tenure of any elected official can inspire debate on policies and ideology, it must be remembered that all are human at the end of the day. Abe was defined by his political image and legacies, but some may remember him from a rare moment of playfulness when he dressed up as Super Mario at the end of the Rio Olympics.

He loved his country and his culture, and he was a firm believer in both national sovereignty and forging alliances with other leaders of the free world. His death serves as a stark reminder of the risk one takes to be a public servant and why violence must never be the answer. 

We as an organization pride ourselves on our roots and heritage while also being firm believers in democracy and the American dream. It cannot be overstated how is death has shocked both the nation of Japan and those who feel kinship with Japan here in the US. Our thoughts and prayers go to Abe’s family and to the nation of Japan. 

Robert Young, President Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce

Assemblywoman Heidi Kasama

Honorary Counsul of Japan Kathleen Blakely

July 12, 2022

abe shinzo

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